In this tutorial, i am gonna show you how to deploy your application with CodeStar on AWS.
What is CodeStar ?
CodeStar is a service from AWS that allows you to quickly develop, build, and deploy applications.
With AWS CodeStar, you can set up your entire continuous delivery toolchain very quickly, allowing you to start releasing code faster.
Let's practice to understand
Required : you need to have an AWS account.
Connect to your AWS account and go the the Management Console.
Then, search for CodeStar
Click on Create Project
You need to choose a project template , you cannot start from an existing project.
I chose an Express project to be deployed on an EC2 instance.
Click on Next
Pick a name for your project and connect to your Github account.
Then select the instance type you want your application to be deployed to (choose t2 micro for free tier )
Click on Create and ... wait for the magic.
It's gonna take a few minutes to create all the resources needed.
You can follow it by looking to the Project Activity pannel
You can also follow the stack creation on Cloudformation
When all the resources are created and deployed, you can see the whole pipeline :
To see your application, go to EC2 on the management console
Click on the running instance
And then find the IPV4 address and click on it :
You should see this :
NB : if you don't see anything and the website loads and loads again, check that your are in HTTP !
You can see that on the Inbound rules of the security group
Make changes !
Now you can make changes in you code on your repository.
Push it and watch the pipeline run automatically and redeploy your application updated !
Wrap up !
If you don't want to be charged, don't forget to delete everything.
Go to the CodeStar console, select your project and hit Delete.
Confirm by typing delete.
And wait for all the resources to be deleted.
NB: the only thing that won't be destroyed is the Github repository, you need to delete it yourself.
Congrats ! You know how to use CodeStar for your next project :)